The New Changan CS35 Plus is out to flex its powers as your all-around back-to-school, back-to-work, back-to-everything ride.
It’s making the rounds and stirring up buzz via the FLEX IN THE CITY mall tour. Catch the New Changan CS35 Plus at the following venues:
•Glorietta Mall Activity Center on September 30-October 1
•Lucky Chinatown Mall Atrium on September 30-October 2
What makes the New CS35 Plus your go-anywhere, all-weather ride? It has the power, the spaciousness, fuel efficiency (certified by the Automobile Association of the Philippines), and advanced SafeTech system that are above-class for an SUV of its segment.
Moreover, with ground clearance of 180mm, you can safely navigate challenging road conditions, including gutter-deep floods.
Find out for yourself. Test drive the New CS35 Plus every Saturday and Sunday at the scheduled stops and experience up-close what the buzz is all about.
Experience what it means to LEAD FREELY, LIVE FREELY with the New Changan CS35 Plus.
Available at the official Changan dealerships in three variants: Lite 1.4L 7DCT (SRP P999,000); Hype 1.4L 7DCT (SRP P1,149,000); and Luxe 1.4L 7DCT (SRP P1,169,000).
For the succeeding legs of the FLEX IN THE CITY tour, visit www.changanphil.comhttps://www.facebook.com/ChanganPhil.